The Edge by Fleur Camacho
This book had a great set-up. We start with a hunky guy walking out of a burning field, rushed to the hospital, and Laura needs to know what happened. Somehow, he's not hurt nearly as bad as he should have been. But he's being hunted, and it puts Laura and the ones she's closest to at great risk.
Definitely an eye-catching story, but it wasn't executed as well as it should have been. There are too many things that just "happen" with no explanation. Like when he runs from the hospital - without unhooking the machines or IVs, without any alarms of any sort going off, that there wasn't a police officer waiting to talk to him about the accident..... It was something that really stood out to me. There are enough of these little mistakes that I really started to get distracted.
I really wanted to like this one, but I don't think I'll be continuing the series.