TaleSpins by Michael Mullin

Tale Spins - Michael Mullin

I loved TaleSpins!  The stories are cute and funny - each putting a different twist on classic characters.  I thought each one would be my favorite until I started to read the next.  The Eighth dwarf was well named (in many ways), and I loved his interactions.  The Princess Poppy was just a great character, and this new version of Jack and the Beakstalk really had you thinking.


The writing style is part of what made this book so wonderful.  Told lyrically, like a nursery rhyme, you couldn't help but keep reading and the pages flew by.  I would recommend this to fairy tale lovers, or anyone who is just looking for something a little different. - See more at: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2014/01/book-tour-review-and-giveaway-tale.html#sthash.PkZMHfZd.dpuf

Source: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2014/01/book-tour-review-and-giveaway-tale.html