You must be able to suspend a little reality for this one. With an assistant DA lusting after her latest court case, there's a little bit of over the top feeling, but it was still a lot of fun. When Grayson is arrested for possession with the intent to distribute, things are looking pretty bad - his professional football career may be in jeopardy and he's looking at a few years behind bars. But he didn't realize that would be the consequence when he took action.
Assistant DA Melissa St. James knows something isn't quite right when she's told to throw the book at the sports star, set an example, and make sure he's found guilty. But something inside her tells her to look deeper - and thank goodness she listens.
What unfolds is a sweet and sexy - but highly unlikely - quick romance. It was fun and easy to put away my sense of disbelief after briefly acknowledging its presence. A very fun and quick read with a dash of suspense to keep your blood pumping.
*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*