Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey

Crashed Out (Made in Jersey) - Tessa Bailey

First off, you need to know that this boy has quite the mouth on him. I swear every word out of his mouth was about sex! While it was kinda hot at first, I wish he'd had more to say. There had to be more going on in that head of his than music and sex! I really enjoyed his tortured artist feel - tortured by a girl he never had that he had to leave behind and now he can't get her out of his mind.

Jasmine was wonderful. She was sweet, sexy, hard working, talented, and just about anything else a guy could ask for in a girl. She seemed so different than Sarge, but they had some very serious chemistry that you could really feel coming right off the pages.

There was a great story line of reclaiming your past, living your dreams, and living with no regrets. But - the dialog just didn't cut it for me. While I'm all for a little dirty pillow talk, this was just a bit much for my taste.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*
