Demon's Kiss (Wings in the Night #13) by Maggie Shayne

Demon's Kiss - Maggie Shayne

We get to meet a whole new batch of characters in this one - so if you're looking to jump in at the middle - this is the place to do it. Reaper is an assassin - a very good one.  He's been hired to take out a dangerous rogue vampire.  But this rogue is more that what we think at first - he's being a little too smart and seems to have a bigger plan.

Our main couple, Seth and Vixen, are two newly turned vampires.  But Vixen is also something more.  She's a really awesome character and has a whole bunch of surprises up her sleeve.  I thought at first I wouldn't like this addition to the lore of Wings in the Night, but as I got to know more about her history and what she really was - I ended up really enjoying it.

Seth, well, he was a bit of a jerk a few times.  But I still loved him because I knew he wasn't trying to be one, he just wasn't reacting well to the situations around him.  Deep down he was such a sweetheart and you can't help but love him.  There is quite a bit of excitement in this book and lots of pieces to a new puzzle are laid out.  I think the next segment of this world's story is going to be very interesting.
