It's a Dogs Life by Dale Mayer

It’s a Dog’s Life - Dale Mayer

I am a big fan of Dale Mayer's Psychic Visions series, and while this one is definitely something different, her amazing writing style still brings the story to life. Ninna is a big of a mess. She's an unusual one that has had a problem with hearing things. When she starts her new job at the animal clinic she thinks this is going to be a fresh start - until the voices begin again.

This is an incredibly sweet romance. Ninna and Stuart are brought together by a very unusual force - a Basset Hound named Mosey. He's a rather particular creature that is quite excited to find out that Ninna can hear him and communicate with him. He sets off to give her life advice and try to convince her she isn't really crazy. In fact, when a stalker comes calling, he and his friends are an important part in saving the day - in a very humorous fashion.

The addition of the stalker adds a nice little dash of danger to the story and keeps it from being overly sweet. Mosey and the other animals add a nice dose of humor and fun as well. This book was so much fun to read. The only downside was that I wanted it to keep going!
